I know many Substack readers are probably suffering from Substack fatigue and/or are overwhelmed by the large and growing numbers of Substack writers. It’s why I post only intermittently when I believe I have something to say that others aren’t saying. It’s also why I am extremely hesitant to bombard you with recommendations of still other Substacks you might profit from reading.
But when one exception pops up, then I feel I must depart from the above rule. And so here is the departure: this substack called Trillions and available for subscription here (fedbudgetguy.substack.com)
The author as you see is Chuck Konigsberg, a former Congressional budget staffer, and a long time legislative affairs specialist on budget issues for the Office of Management and Budget. I was privileged to work with and learn from Chuck when I was an Associate OMB director 1995-96.
Chuck has authored the definitive guide to budget issues, which he regularly updates (you’ll find purchase information on his substack). As you will see from his first post, his real time analysis of budget and other current federal policy issue is the most thorough you find anywhere. It’s ideal for news junkies and policy wonks, of course. But you don’t have to be either one, and you can be Red, Blue or whatever political color you imagine yourself to be to learn from Chuck. I guarantee that you will learn, just I have and always do. And given the blizzard of events coming out of Washington these days, his commentary is an indispensable must. You will learn much more from him than reading just about any other source.
You won’t regret subscribing.